Do bad money habits constrain your financial progress? Many people fall into the same financial behavior patterns, year after year. If you sometimes succumb to these financial tendencies, now is as good a time as any to alter your behavior. (more…)
Investment inaction is played out in many ways, often silently, invisibly, and with potential consequence to an individual’s future financial security, especially when it comes to retirement planning.
Let’s review some of the forms this takes. (more…)
From time to time, it is a good idea to review how your portfolio assets are allocated – how they are divided among asset classes – and make sure they still match with your risk tolerance.
At the inception of your investment strategy, your target asset allocations reflect your tolerance for risk. Over time, though, your portfolio may need adjustments to maintain those target allocations. (more…)
As we finalize the log on the first six months of 2023, we believe there’s value in reflecting on recent months gone by. Doing so can help crystallize key learnings and help chart a course through the rest of the year. Looking back on the first half of 2023, it’s probably fair to say the outcome has been a bit better-than-expected for the stock and bond markets, especially compared to 2022’s tumult. (more…)
The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) print came towards the lower end of expectations with the overall headline inflation falling to the lowest level since April 2021. The encouraging trend in consumer prices will provide the Federal Reserve (Fed) some leeway to keep rates unchanged this month and if the trend continues, the Fed will likely not hike for the rest of the year. (more…)
A wealth of investment information is available if you want to do your own research before making investment decisions. However, many people aren’t comfortable sifting through balance sheets, profit-and-loss statements, and performance reports. Others just don’t have the time, energy, or desire to do the kind of thorough analysis that marks a smart investor.
Losing a spouse is a stressful transition. And the added pressure of having to settle the estate and organize finances can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make dealing with these matters less difficult.
Some of us share a common experience. You’re driving along when a police cruiser pulls up behind you with its lights flashing. You pull over, the officer gets out, and your heart drops. “Are you aware the registration on your car has expired?” You’d been meaning to take care of it for some time. For … Continue reading “The Cost of Procrastination”
The hardest part is getting started. Even though more than half of U.S. households have some form of investment in the stock market, many new parents may still find that creating a financial strategy is the last thing on their minds. And who can blame them? After all, new parents have a million concerns to … Continue reading “Financial Tips for Young Families”
Risk is a factor in any investment decision that you make. Your tolerance for risk is something that you will want to consider when you make decisions alongside your trusted financial advisor in Charlotte NC. Your risk tolerance is balanced against your time horizon, meaning the time between now and your anticipated retirement date.
You’re beginning to accumulate substantial wealth, but you worry about protecting it from future potential creditors. Whether your concern is for your personal assets or your business, various tools exist to keep your property safe from tax collectors, accident victims, health-care providers, credit card issuers, business creditors, and creditors of others. To insulate your property … Continue reading “Estate Planning – Protecting Your Assets”
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